Amber’s ABCs was originally written during Christmas 1991, so that my two year old niece could bang all she wanted on my keyboard without hurting anything. She was just learning her ABCs at the time and enjoyed reading the letter she typed.
To achieve a degree of security from little hands, Amber’s ABCs removes the menubar and cursor. This makes it hard, but not impossible, for the child to switch out of the program.
It was written with her help and she enjoys playing it, so I am releasing it to the world. It is free, use it in any way you see fit. If you give it to someone, please include this file.
Keep in mind that it was written very quickly, with one purpose in mind, to provide entertainment on my Macintosh for my niece. It should be compatible with all machines though.
Amber's ABCs requires System 7.0 or later.
There are a couple options you can set. Press cmd-o to get the option dialog. You can choose to see the menu commands (these are displayed in the upper left corner), you can choose for the letter’s to be in all caps and you can choose whether or not you want to see the cursor. Font and font size are also editable. Options are remembered across sessions.
If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me. I'd especially like to hear if anyone finds any bugs or if you have any suggestions to improve this software.
Also, If you send me your name and electronic (or real) address, I will notify you if I update the software.
Version History:
Version 1.0 (12/91) Original version, see above comments
Version 1.1 (10/92) Fixed a couple serious bugs which caused bus errors on 68030 machines, added better handling of popup menus.
Version 1.2 (12/92) Fixed a bug which caused problem when default font isn't available. First version released to the public.